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Choosing The Best Kitchen Composter For Your Home
Whether you live in a small city apartment or a rural home, using an indoor composting bin can help you reduce your carbon footprint and make excellent use of your food leftovers.
Composting food waste is becoming increasingly popular since it has numerous environmental and garden benefits. There are so many indoor compost bins on the market that it’s difficult to figure out which one is best for you.
Composting is an eco-friendly method of converting waste food scraps into essential nutrients for your garden. While most people are content to dump their scraps in the garbage, they may be unaware of how much of this is piling up at landfills across the country.
It’s frightening to think that every year, up to 80 billion pounds of food are thrown away in the United States. A kitchen composter will not only assist in reducing this, but it will also benefit your garden by delivering some of the best natural compost available.
There are numerous aspects to consider, and selecting the best compost bin will rely on your composting experience, available space, and intended use of the produced compost.
Using an interior composting bin can be a messy, stinky, and sticky process, but some wonderful indoor composting bins can make composting simple, sanitary, pleasurable, and exciting.
So, what is the finest kitchen composter for your home? We dissect the finest indoor composting units so you can start turning your food scraps and organic waste into garden gold.
Considerations When Buying a Kitchen Composter
A kitchen composter should be viewed as an investment rather than a frivolous purchase. As a result, it’s worthwhile to conduct some preliminary study before making a selection. The following are some factors to consider while purchasing your next kitchen composter.
There are two sorts of kitchen composters: those that use fermentation to break down the food and those that employ worms.
Worms are excellent at quickly breaking down food without it stinking, and many gardeners will argue that the quality of compost created by this approach is significantly higher.
The issue is that not everyone enjoys having worms in their kitchen (even in controlled containers). Most kitchen composters have limitations, and there aren’t many on the market that can break down meat, fish, or dairy. Those that do are far more expensive.
Composters are designed to take your kitchen waste and turn it into something that can assist your garden’s fertility. You’ll not be using it to serve food, nor will you spend your day salivating over it.
That said, it will be in the kitchen, and the last thing you want is a large, awful eyesore glaring back at you while you prepare your meal.
Many individuals choose a kitchen composter that complements the rest of their appliances. Given the variety of kitchen composters available in various forms, sizes, and finishes, it shouldn’t be difficult to pick one that works effectively.
It would surprise you the number of people who buy an indoor composter without measuring it, just to find out they don’t have enough place for it would surprise you.
The first decision you must make is whether you want a countertop or a freestanding kitchen compost bin. If you have a medium to big household, a countertop compost bin may fill up too soon.
As a result, a freestanding compost bin may be more appropriate. If you’re short on a room in your kitchen or simply have one or two people’s garbage to dispose of, a countertop compost bin may be the preferable option.
When it comes to the material used to make composters, there are several possibilities available.
Stainless steel is a popular material because it is easy to clean and does not retain odors. Another option to explore is a plastic composter. These are also simple to clean and frequently significantly less expensive.
The issue with plastic compactors is that they discolor quickly and are less effective at suppressing odors.
If neither of those types appeals to you, a ceramic composter may be more suitable. These are typically shaped like outdoor garbage cans and have holes on the top to allow for aeration in the compost bin.
Odor Protection
This is a critical factor to consider when purchasing a kitchen composter. You definitely don’t want to come into the kitchen smelling like last night’s (or previous week’s) leftovers.
Fortunately, most kitchen composter manufacturers have recognized this as an important feature and have included some type of odor control within their bin.
Replaceable filters or liners are commonly found within these bins to help keep undesirable odors at bay.
Compost keepers are additional items that will assist keep your compost container fresh. These small filters go into the lid of your container and absorb moisture and odors. They’re fairly adaptable and will work with most kitchen composters.
This is a benefit that is limited to plastic countertop models. But if that’s the look you want, being dishwasher safe is an important element to consider. It simply makes cleaning the bin a little easier.
Airtight Lid
When it comes to kitchen composters, having an airtight top may seem like a given. You’d be surprised at how many models don’t have one. It’s another approach to keeping unwanted odors within the bin while preventing inadvertent spilling.
There are electrical composters available for purchase if you want to go high-tech with your composter.
Because they use heat to convert your trash into plant food, electric indoor composters operate significantly faster than typical kitchen composters. They’re also far more resilient, which means these machines can compost fish and meat.
Some will include a bottom tap that allows you to drain the liquid from the bin, dilute it, and use it straight on your crops.
Others will literally turn your garbage into compost that is ready to use right away. Please keep in mind that if the compost is allowed to decompose for another couple of days, it will be of much greater quality.
Pedal Driven
It’s not really a feature to think about if you’re shopping for a countertop kitchen composter. If you choose a larger, freestanding composter, a pedal-operated lid can be really useful.
This not only reduces the likelihood of you losing your food waste at that critical moment, but it also helps to prevent germs from spreading throughout the kitchen.
A pedal-operated type may cost a little extra, but not enough to detect the difference. And we can tell you that you’ll be grateful in the long run.
Kitchen composters, like other things, vary greatly in price depending on various criteria. Plastic or ceramic versions are typically the least expensive to purchase; however, they do not typically survive as long as stainless steel models.
Electric composters, of course, will be more expensive than all of these. Composters with additional features, like pedal operation, may also be more expensive.
Questions To Ask Yourself Before Choosing A Composter
What would you like to compost?
The size and type of composter you use will be primarily determined by what you compost. Will you, for example, compost largely food waste from your kitchen? Or do you need to handle a large yard full of grass clippings, shrub trims, and a mound of garden waste?
What are your plans for your compost?
Some individuals compost in order to limit the amount of food waste they throw away. Others manufacture compost for lawns or gardens because compost is the single most effective fertilizer you can apply to your soil.
Knowing the difference is critical: if you don’t want to deal with compost because you live in an apartment or don’t have time to garden, there are composters that can help you.
Where are you going to compost?
If you have little to no outdoor area, you can still compost, but the type of composter you choose will be considerably different from an outdoor composter.
Some composters are perfect for apartment dwellers, as well as residences with a balcony or garage. Others require more outside space as well as access to the ground below.
Top 5 Kitchen Composters
[wptb id="9473" not found ]Final Thoughts
When it comes to indoor composting, there are numerous excellent solutions! Recycling your kitchen leftovers, whether electric or otherwise, is an excellent method to manage your food waste and put it to good use.
We hope our list of the finest kitchen composters has been useful in getting you started with your own indoor compost!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the function of an electric composter?
So, what exactly is compost? Compost, according to the EPA, is “organic material that can be applied to soil to help plants flourish.” Food scraps from the kitchen make up a substantial amount of the compost that individuals create.
When we discard food trash rather than compost it, we are releasing hazardous methane emissions into the atmosphere. As a result, having an excellent indoor electric composter can benefit not only you but the entire environment!
These electric indoor composters function by breaking down food waste, which is normally done by drying, grinding, and cooling it. Each composter is unique, and it may take a different amount of time or utilize a slightly different procedure to thoroughly dry and sterilize the indoor compost.
Nonetheless, the idea stays the same. Drying the compost entails heating it to around 160 degrees while turning it to ensure that it is aerated and properly disinfected.
Heating the compost reduces its volume and kills any germs as it is processed to break down the food into even smaller particles. This allows it to mix with the soil and function as an effective fertilizer. The food wastes are then chilled to normal temperature before being recycled into your garden!
Are electric composters beneficial?
Composting at home can be a time-consuming and messy procedure. Outdoor composting necessitates the maintenance of a damp pile in your yard, which might begin to smell over time.
Similarly, having a compost container indoors might lead to odors escaping into the rest of your home and attracting pests or mice.
An electric composter, on the other hand, completes similar chores in considerably less time and with far less mess.
Indoor electric composters, such as the Vitamix FoodCycler that we reviewed previously, are tiny and portable, making them easy to store in your kitchen. They are also far more convenient than managing a massive pile of compost in your backyard!
Electric composters are also designed to reduce methane emissions, making them fantastic, environmentally responsible solutions to dispose of food waste and care for your yard or garden. Most of these devices also allow you to compost virtually any food scrap!
Dairy products, meat, processed foods, and in some circumstances, even bones are included. All of these food leftovers can be treated in a fraction of the time that more standard composting methods would require.
What can indoor compost be used for?
Composting is not only a terrific way to reduce the volume of food waste, but your indoor compost may also be used for a variety of purposes.
For starters, it can be used as fertilizer on your lawn or garden. When the electric composter has completed its cycle, you may spread the compost over your lawn or garden to add nutrients to the soil.
Indoor compost can also be added to potting soil to increase its effectiveness in stimulating plant growth. When you apply compost to your lawn or garden, you are helping to preserve moisture in the soil and adding important minerals.
This gives unwanted food waste a new purpose and can be highly beneficial to anyone trying to cultivate their own veggies at home!
Do compost bins in the home smell?
The fact that an electric indoor composter is odorless is one of its main selling advantages. Traditional composting procedures can generate unpleasant odors and potentially result in the generation of hazardous substances.
Indoor compost bins are typically left to accumulate more than a week’s worth of food waste and must be moist at all times. This can cause them to emit a foul stench, which, as previously said, can escape from the bin and spread throughout your home.
Electric composters eliminate this issue because the heating/drying process is meticulously designed to remove odors and other toxic gases when the compost is turned/ground into fine particles.
Even if you don’t have an electric composter, another option to keep your compost from stinking up your house is to choose a bin with an airtight lid and/or a high-quality filter. In some circumstances, you may need to replace the filter on a regular basis.
Nonetheless, a good filter is crucial for preventing odors from taking over your home and for keeping fruit flies and rats at bay!
What are other types of composters?
Stationary Composter
Most people are familiar with stationary bin composters. Food scraps and other compostable materials are added to the top, usually through an aperture with a cover that locks into place to keep rodents and other pests out.
After several months, the waste degrades into the soil. Remove the finished product through a door towards the bottom. The benefit of stationary bin composters is that you may continue to add waste to the top while the material matures while harvesting mature compost from the bottom.
Many stationary composters take months to produce compost because they are not frequently aerated. It’s difficult to reach inside a tall box to flip compost, but turning compost helps mix and aerate the ingredients inside, which speeds up the process.
Aeration is built into certain stationary composters to aid with this problem. Homemade composters made from pallets or other materials handle this issue as well, with one or more removable or open sides.
Stationary bins perform best when placed on soil.
Compost Tumblers
Compost tumblers, sometimes known as ‘batch’ composters, are made up of a spinning drum that you spin by turning a handle or the machine itself. They include one or more compartments that you fill and then close, allowing the batch to mature before using it in your yard or garden.
Compost tumblers outperform stationary composters due to the aeration and mixing that occurs when the device is turned.
Because your compost tumbler has two chambers, you can process one batch while still having a place to put your food wastes.
Worm Composters
Worm composters, also known as vermiculture composters, employ the power of worms to turn food waste into nutrient-rich fertilizers.
While worms are commonly found in continuous-use composters, worm composters have a higher concentration that is specifically designed to eat your food scraps. Worm bins can be tiered to ensure that there is always somewhere to put material, or they can be a continuous flow, similar to the composters mentioned above.
As compost matures, a tiered worm composting bin, such as this dual-tray worm composting system, instructs worms to travel between layers, making harvesting simple.
In-ground Worm Composter
Worms are used in in-ground worm composters to accelerate decomposition. Worm tea and castings are also used to make effective garden fertilizers.
The beauty of in-ground worm composters is that they are directly exposed to the soil, allowing your worms–and nutrients–to move freely in and out. Gardening in and around this type of worm composter provides plant roots with just what they require with no effort on your side.
Food Waste Digesters
If you don’t want to make compost for your garden but still want to stop throwing organic waste into the landfill, a food waste digester is your best friend.
Digesters are made comprised of a lower basket that is buried beneath the earth and an upper, cone-shaped bucket that concentrates the sun’s rays.
The apertures in the basket link the food waste digesters to the earth below. Microorganisms flow through these openings and consume 90% of your food waste. The remaining liquid soaks into the ground below. You should never have to turn or empty your unit because it ‘digests’ everything you put into it.
If you want compost for your garden but don’t want to deal with leftover food scraps, consider installing a food waste digester in your yard. These incredible gadgets can break down bones, leftovers, and even pet waste.
Countertop Food Waste Composter
Countertop processors, which are relatively new on the market, do not compost your food waste. Instead, whatever you put inside is chopped and dehydrated, transforming kitchen scraps into useable fertilizer.
They are especially useful in climates where winter composting is halted by cold temperatures: you may keep the processed trash and add it to your garden in the spring. They’re also ideal for city dwellers. Save the odorless garbage and give it to neighbors or farmers in your area.